Sundays are usually happy days; well at least for the first half before the ominous dusk signals an oncoming Monday (which without a doubt is the worst invention ever, after the cigarette & the dynamite). Today was another happy one with catching up on old friends Satya (the venerable entrepreneur) & Tanmay'a' (the wily tortoise with a "Shell") consuming the evening.
Discussions ranged from the plethora of exchange students dotting the IIMB campus to the "whys and whens" of MBA to the awesomeness of Domino's garlic breads which is supplied with the manna of cheese dip. (Do not water your palates so soon). But one pivotal discussion ranged around the vagaries of management consulting as a profession. Tanmaya, being the hard nut he is, was hell bent on theorizing that consulting was only about "stating the obvious" while yours truly was attempting to sing paeans for McKinsey in the dim hope of a Mck partner overhearing the conversation and jumping out of the bushes with an internship offer in hand. Satya was his usual diplomatic self. I could only hear his "Yes, you're right" in the midst of the argument. I didn't know who it was addressed to, neither did Tanmaya, and I guess, nor did Satya" :P
So what's the point? Well, there's no point apart from the point that there is indeed no point. Or is there any? Well, thats a point. Or is it?
Baaaah, I need more sleep............
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