Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hard bargain

Pathways fold, circles turn
Stories are told, emotions churn
And driving through the woods,
Some lessons you learn

Genuflecting before the altar of time
The mind raced back to the origin of rhyme
The volcano had been brewing for ages
Fulmination was due, said the wise sages

Senorita breezed in, the volcano burst
Nectar rained, quenching Vesuvius' thirst
Pregnant was it, ha, with benign steam
Senorita's touch had magic, or so it seemed

But poor Vesuvius, it was alas a rock
Senorita left, A colossal shock
Now the lava began to spew
Rustics said, the mount's askew

Time warped, a metamorphosis began
Towards bitter reality, the terrain ran
Diagreta had eyed Vesuvius for long
Now was the time to play Adonis' song

Warm steam was all Vesuvius could proffer
He feared the lava might scorch the coffer
Diagreta smeared the ash in his face
Insult over injury, Agony over disgrace

Some curious visitors did Vesuvius receive
"A volcano, ha, its trying to deceive"
For into the vast cavity, when they cast a peer
Cold winds blew, it was ice, sheer !!!

What seems like your loss
What seems like my gain
Is a lifetime's deal for you
For me, a hard bargain.


Kaivalya said...

so after reading it three times(thanks to your usage of not so common words)...what all i can conclude is that Mr pdm can sense feelings in rocks,stones and lava..and he is concerned about there losses and gain...and there pregnancy etc..
but anyways so it is a hard bargain..but who actually is the decider of gain and loss of things??

Unknown said...

PD bhai.. the incisive observation of urs mixed with the obscure language u use (:P) and the ease with which u tailor them is becoming increasingly delightful to read. i wont comment on the more profound stuff that ur blog conveys coz then i will have to read it many times over again. :D
looking for more!!
